2017年12月29日 星期五

杜家興臨床心理師翻譯 2017.12.30.
內容翻譯自:Chopped 5  A group is a group is a group?  P.146

圖片來自另一片值得閱讀的網路文章:《THE FORMATIVE STAGES OF GROUP THERAPY AS AN ALCHEMICAL PROCESShttp://www.paulkiritsis.net/_blog/Down_The_Rabbit_Hole/post/the-formative-stages-of-group-therapy-as-an-alchemical-process/

Beck (1981a, pp. 330-332)依據實證研究而主張,一個治療團體的成員們都需要規律地穿越一套從開始到結束的進展任務(members of a therapy group regularly go through a set progression of shared tasks from beginning to end)。這些任務包括:

1. 藉由開始認識每一個成員、釐清每個成員與團體的目標、以及認清限制與期待
2. 在處理「誰會是成員」這個議題的時候
1. Making a contract to work on becoming a functional group
a. By beginning to recognize each member, clarifying individual and group goals, and identifying limits and expectations
b. While settling the issue of who will be members

1. 藉由在針對領導關係、溝通風格及競爭建立彼此都接受的規範的過程中釐清楚目標與次要目標以及說清楚運作上的限制
2. 在成員嘗試角色分化與刻板的關係連結方式的時候
2. Establishing a group identity and direction
a. By clarifying goals and subgoals and delineating the limits of operation in a process of establishing mutually acceptable norms with regard to leadership, style of communication, and competition
b. While experimenting with role differentiation and stereotypic relating

1. 藉由認識每位成員及探索其議題
2. 在培養有效的溝通技巧、建立平等且協作之互動性工作型態的期間
3. Exploring the group identity and direction
a. By recognizing individuals and exploring their issues
b. While developing effective communication skills, establishing equality and a cooperative interactive work mode

1. 透過應付個別關係中的性以及在團體中表達溫柔與親近
2. 在創造一個共享的遊戲及想像空間的時候
4. Establishing intimacy
a. By coping with sexuality in personal relationships and expressing tenderness and closeness in the group
b. While creating a shared space for play and fantasy

1. 透過解決掉將如何處理團體成員同儕關係裡的依賴需求、敵意、挫折以及對個人空間的要求
2. 在對其他成員做出某種新的且強烈的承諾的時候
5. Exploring mutuality
a. By working out how dependency needs, hostility, and frustration, as well as needs for personal space, will be handled within the peer relations
b. While making a new and stronger commitment to the other members

1. 藉由重新架構帶領關係並且為了團體的自我引導特性而從治療師主導邁向以同儕為主
2. 在將任務帶領者的角色融入到成員身上的時候
6. Achieving autonomy through the reorganization of the group’s structure
a. By restructuring leadership and moving from therapist domination to peer primacy in the service of the self-directedness of the group
b. While incorporating the task leader as a member

1. 藉由在彼此分享與彼此支持的過程中密集地處理到成員個別的議題
2. 在形成流動的角色關係的時候
7. Confronting self and achieving interdependence
a. By intensively working on individual issues in the process of sharing With and supporting each other
b. While developing fluid role relations

1. 透過回顧/檢視那些已在團體中處理過的議題以及從所學當中來推測
2. 在複述團體外的關係的發展情形的時候
8. Transferring learning through interdependent acts
a. By reviewing issues dealt with in the group and extrapolating from what has been learned
b. While rehearsing the development of relationships outside the group

1. 藉由完成未竟事宜
2. 在分享與其他成員之間相處經驗的意義的時候
9. Terminating and separating from significant persons
a. By completing unfinished business
b. While sharing the meaning of the experience with the other participants