2015年3月13日 星期五


別再鑽牛角尖(Stop Ruminating)的十一個步驟

翻譯以及內容與圖片補充:杜家興主任 2015/3/14

一、             覺察到“你正在鑽牛角尖”這個事實,並瞭解這麼做沒有助益。

二、            再多幾次想想你的情境或問題,然後計畫接下來要怎麼做。

三、             找出你的困擾情境裡有趣的部份:幽默可以幫助你從不同的看待角度然後開始行動。將所發生的事情當作是一種值得學習的經歷:這樣能幫助你用建設性以及看向未來的眼光來處理令你困擾的情境。最後,試著跳脫出這個情境,以就像看著某個電影場景一樣的方式重新看待這個情境。

四、     想一想如果有個朋友面對到和你一樣的情境,你會怎麼對他說。這樣可以幫助你更慈悲地對待自己。如同你會用來對待朋友的方式,如果你犯了類似的錯誤,請原諒你自己。
五、     將心思只放在你可以掌控的事情上。生活多少都會有些不確定性。我們整個生活受到好多好多的因素影響,而不確定性就是人生的一大特點。讓自己學會自在地面對與接納這個特點。

六、             接納你的處境。痛苦煩惱會因為你看待他們的方式而變得更嚴重。我們通嘗試因為我們覺得難過而感到悲傷、覺得生氣而感到生氣等等。如實地接納你目前的狀態。停止『想要現況有所不同』的意圖和行動。

七、             想到『停!』甚或是大聲說出來,以便中斷這樣的循環。你也可以練習視覺化技巧,像是想像你將想法取出來然後丟到垃圾桶裡。(杜家興主任:還有許多視覺想像技巧,像是將煩惱、問題和想法寫沙灘上、樹葉上、白雲上、白煙上,然後想像著被海浪沖掉、順水流走、被風吹走、飄往空中等等。
leaf floating on water「mindfulness beach」的圖片搜尋結果
圖片連結:http://integrativehealthpartners.org/mindfulness.shtml  以及  http://growing-happiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/om_beach.jpg

八、             請圍繞著此時此地的自己杜家興主任:將此時此地的自己當作你關注的中心點,然後試著放掉達不到或不健康的目標。你就在此時此地,除了設想出一個好計畫及這麼做之外,你什麼都做不了。停止有關痛苦煩惱會持續多久的想法。除了與之相處並接納之外,你無法地抗你當前的處境。

九、     讓你自己分心。運用正念靜心(杜家興主任:如數息、呼吸空間、微笑靜心、行禪等等)將原本攀附在你的想法上的注意力,調整到你的呼吸上。

十、     請別忘記「你不是你的想法!」你的想法只是你的一部份,如果你不將它們抓著不放,它們就會逐漸消退。小心謹慎地檢視你的想法,不要給予評價。停止你對情境或經驗的評判。這樣做不能改變它們,也不會讓它們有所不同,只是浪費你的能量。

十一、 如果以上這些都沒有辦法幫助你找出一些時間來提供給憂鬱慮和鑽牛角尖。其實也可以安排在午餐之後挪出30分鐘來好好憂慮和鑽牛角尖一番,而現在就請停止鑽牛角尖。你已經給了煩惱憂愁一些時間,此刻的你不一定要被這些想法影響。

 11 Steps to Stop Ruminating

1. Be aware of the fact that you are ruminating and realize that it isn’t helpful.

2. Think about your situation or problem one more time and plan what to do next.

3. Find something funny about your situation: humor can help you see it from a different angle and move on. View what has happened as a learning experience: this can help you approach the situation constructively, and with an eye toward the future. And finally, try to remove yourself from the situation, viewing it as you might watch a scene in a movie.

4. Think about what you would say to a friend facing the same situation. This can help you treat yourself more compassionately. As you would with a friend, forgive yourself if you have done something wrong.

5. Focus only on things that you have control over. There will be always some degree of uncertainty. Our whole life is influenced by so many factors that uncertainty is simply a big part of life. Become comfortable with it and accept it.

6. Accept your situation. Pain and suffering gets worse depending on how you think about it. We often feel sad because we feel sad. Are angry because we feel angry and so on. Accept your current state as it is. Stop wanting things to be different.

7. Think “Stop!” or even say it out loud to break the loop. You can also practice visualization, such as imagining that you are taking your current thoughts and putting them in a trash bin.

8. Center yourself in the here and now and try to let go of unattainable or unhealthy goals. You are in the here and now and there is nothing you can do but come up with a good plan and stick with it. Stop thinking about how long any discomfort might last. You cannot fight your current situation so simply be with it and accept it.

9. Distract yourself. Use mindfulness meditation to focus your attention on your breath instead of being attached to your thoughts.

10. Don’t forget, you are not your thoughts! Your thoughts are just part of you and they will fade away if you do not hold on to them. Examine your thoughts curiously and without judgment. Stop judging situations or experiences. It will not change them or make them any different and just waste your energy.

11. If all this doesn’t help schedule some time for worrying or rumination. Just plan to ruminate for 30 minutes after lunch and stop ruminating right now. You already have made some time for it and you don’t have to be caught up with those thoughts now.